Organise a Workplace Screening

Organise a Workplace Screening

Make sure you have a DVD player and either a TV or video/data projector, and you’re set. If you like, contact either Mahboba Rawi or Gary Caganoff to check the possibility of presenting the film to you and your colleagues.

Plan for at least an hour and a half; 50 min to watch the film and plenty of time after to talk about it, to share feelings and thoughts.

In the end you may want to:

  • collect donations for Mahboba’s Promise directly from employees.
  • ask the company to match employee donations, or more?
  • become a regular corporate sponsor of Mahboba’s Promise.
  • start up a ‘Friends of Mahboba’s Promise’ group to continue raising money through your enterprise.

Send Mahboba’s Promise the money raised.

Share the results of your event on Facebook.


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