What People are Saying About the Film

  • Justine Caines: Heartfelt appreciation for this hauntingly beautiful film. The Garden at the End of the World shows the horror of war, unimaginable suffering and destruction; but it triumphs in grabbing this with both hands and demonstrating how hope can be restored garden by garden, brick by brick, one child after another. Please friends spare an hour to watch this beautiful film, gain perspective and think about what we can offer. Congratulations Gary, Rosemary and Maboba; your courage and vision is inspiring and humbling.
  • Pat Ryan: Having lived in the chaos of Kabul for a year, I am in awe of ‘The Garden at the End of the World’. There is no other single piece of media produced on the subject of modern Afghanistan that connects so directly and powerfully with the Afghan people. Described in a word it is ‘authentic’. Gary has courageously engaged in a process that surpasses the art of filmmaking. He has holistically devoted himself to the composition of a humanitarian documentary magnum opus. Inviting the audience to witness at a deeply personal human level, the struggle of people recovering from unimaginable suffering, the film traverses an extraordinary breadth of subject material whilst remaining intently focused on its core message. When future generations ask, “What happened in Afghanistan?” ‘The Garden at the End of the World’ will serve as witness to a nation ravaged by war and empower them to strive for peace. It is not only a screen-scape documenting a pivotal time in Afghanistan’s recovery from war inflicted suffering, but a powerful example of how a few individuals with vision and modest resources can bring practical aid to people anywhere in our world.This film must not be lost in time, nor should the world ever be allowed to forget what has happened in Afghanistan. Rising beyond the dispassionate news media feeds, intelligence reports and political analysis of conflict zones, there is an enduring humanitarian message in ‘The Garden at the End of the World’ that in Gary’s wise words “might prevent a similar collapse in our society.” Let us all pray he is right and Inshallah we heed the lesson so hard learned by our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan!
  • Warren Macdonald: Just watched Gary Caganoff’s The Garden at the End of the World. I remember hearing Gary was headed to Afghanistan a few years back and wondered a/ How safe it was to be there, and b/ What he would produce. Thank you Gary for your courage in giving the people of Afghanistan a voice, and reminding us that the key to mending a broken world is to look inside our own, often broken, hearts…
  • Mike Chirgwin: “Just saw your work again the other day on TVS. What a great film and an amazing journey. Congratulations again.”
  • Kon Kalos: “This is documentary making at its very best. It possesses a deep consciousness that never self-consciously draws attention to its form but rather credits the viewer’s sentiments with its open dialogic presentation. Your narrative is as intelligent and moving as it is unobtrusive and understated. Thank you for this important and timely body of work that necessitates a larger audience.”

  • Tricia Fitzgerald: “I, and my family members, have been so affected by this film. My friends have been buying it just based on my strong emotional response to it. Not often that a film renders a 26 year old young man speechless by the end. A really powerful documentary that should be viewed by politicians and military personnel the world over.”
  • BanKim, Festival Director: “The Garden At The End of the World was recently screened at 6th edition of 7islands International Film Festival 2011, Mumbai, India. The audience applauded the film as they saw the work done by Ms. Morrow, selflessly & with compassion. The cinematic narration held the audience all the way. The film inspired people to tread on the path of love & motivated them to take up such noble cause.  Thanks Gary for making people aware of such a fine humanitarian efforts going on in the world. Keep it up please.”
  • Rani O’Keeffe: “The Garden at the End of the World has a compelling honesty and we are given an undeniable sense of what it is to be there. I cried too. Thank you, I went home and kissed my sleeping children.”

  • John James: “It is an unostentatious film, with complete avoidance of any sensationalism. I loved the comment (in the media Release) “it shows how many people of different beliefs can work together for the common good.” That is exactly the message of love that we need. The film has, in fact, precisely that level of compassion that only comes from non-attachment – purposeful reporting at its best!”
  • Australian Permaculture Convergence 2010 programme: “This is one of the most powerful, emotionally moving and daring pieces of documentary film making. I strongly recommend people attend.”
  • Dr Howard Bell: Human Rights activist and Convenor of the Central Coast Group of Amnesty International and member of the NSW Regional Council of Amnesty International has described the film as, “a creative masterpiece both in human rights film making and exceptionally effective use of film to reflect both the human rights atrocities and manifest social justice failures being experienced every day by the Afghan women and children. This piece of work is guaranteed to raise awareness, wherever and whenever it is screened, of a major human rights problem and to encourage solutions to be formulated and implemented urgently. More power to Gary, Mahboba and Rosemary.”
  • Zahra Shafigh: “Have just watched ‘The Garden at the End of the World’ and am deeply, deeply moved. I just wanted to express my gratitude as a humanitarian and as an Afghan for creating this enlightening documentary and giving a voice for the millions of Afghans who go on unheard around the world.”
  • Russ Grayson: “This is a film that is both a documentary and a travelogue of a journey through a ruined land. It is stark in its contrasts of the impacts of war with the everyday lives of people trying to create new lives, of ruined city and the bare beauty of the mountains, of the conditions in the country and the efforts of one woman small of stature but big of goodness in doing her small part to put things right.” Read Review…
  • Janet Ferguson: “I shared the documentary with my parents on the weekend. They asked me to pass on their thanks to those involved in making this available. It made a huge impression on them – and me (even though I had already seen an earlier rough version of it). They commented about how the documentary starkly demonstrated the personal aspect to the costs being borne directly by the Afghan people. This brought home the chasm between a vague, intellectual understanding that these types of costs must be occurring and the harsh, practical realities. The broad scale of destruction of the community on so many dimensions, not the least being social and environmental, is clearly illustrated in heart-breaking detail.”
  • Gypsy Wulff: “I ordered the documentary as I had read several books on Afghanistan, including Mahboba’s Promise and wanted to know more about how she and others were making a difference to the people and whether I would be convinced that I could actually help in some real way. You have done an excellent job in getting to the heart of the grass roots suffering of the people in war torn Afghanistan. The media images we are usually bombarded with are concentrated on the fighting between the warring factions. Unfortunately, those images are not giving voice to the silent suffering of people who are simply bystanders of the conflict and want in life what all of us want, safety and security in our day to day lives. I think your documentary serves that purpose and even though there are parts I would prefer not to watch, we need to have an awareness of what the reality is and where our help is most needed. The documentary is a step in serving peace by showing the humanity of those suffering and those trying to help, a suffering that touches us deeply and inspires us to do something.”I will be placing the DVD on the counter of my business to encourage people’s awareness of it. I have also sponsored a widow since viewing the documentary. I could see the enormous difference it would make and I could see that the money would actually go directly to the woman who needed it. I salute your courage and commitment despite the very obvious dangers in making the documentary to bring this awareness to others.”
  • Leona Kieran: “I’ve seen a lot of documentaries, and this is one of the best I’ve seen. I felt I was there with you all and the Afghan women and children.”
  • Catherine Vaubells: “Thanks for your captivating and gutsy film. It was such a privilege to be at your opening night.”
  • Dick Smith: “As far from media sensationalism as you can get this documentary will take you on a journey that is absolutely real, raw, and powerful.”
  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: “What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?”

Leave your own comment . . .



  1. Just watched Gary Caganoff’s The Garden at the End of the World. I remember hearing Gary was headed to Afghanistan a few years back and wondered a/ How safe it was to be there, and b/ What he would produce. Thank you Gary for your courage in giving the people of Afghanistan a voice, and reminding us that the key to mending a broken world is to look inside our own, often broken, hearts…

  2. Having lived in the chaos of Kabul for a year, I am in awe of ‘The Garden at the End of the World’. There is no other single piece of media produced on the subject of modern Afghanistan that connects so directly and powerfully with the Afghan people. Described in a word it is ‘authentic’.

    Gary has courageously engaged in a process that surpasses the art of filmmaking. He has holistically devoted himself to the composition of a humanitarian documentary magnum opus. Inviting the audience to witness at a deeply personal human level, the struggle of people recovering from unimaginable suffering, the film traverses an extraordinary breadth of subject material whilst remaining intently focused on its core message.

    When future generations ask, “What happened in Afghanistan?” ‘The Garden at the End of the World’ will serve as witness to a nation ravaged by war and empower them to strive for peace. It is not only a screen-scape documenting a pivotal time in Afghanistan’s recovery from war inflicted suffering, but a powerful example of how a few individuals with vision and modest resources can bring practical aid to people anywhere in our world.

    This film must not be lost in time, nor should the world ever be allowed to forget what has happened in Afghanistan. Rising beyond the dispassionate news media feeds, intelligence reports and political analysis of conflict zones, there is an enduring humanitarian message in ‘The Garden at the End of the Earth’ that in Gary’s wise words “might prevent a similar collapse in our society.” Let us all pray he is right and Inshallah we heed the lesson so hard learned by our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan!

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